The interview today is probably the most important step to getting a job. Here's the deal, as more and more people attend college and graduate, every resume starts to look the same. When I was growing up, I was told the only way to get a decent job was to not only graduate high school, but college as well. As I entered my undergraduate school, it became clear that more and more people are getting graduate degrees. Now it seems that with all of the online graduate MBA programs out there, people are still learning well past their thirties. What this means is that specifically for corporate jobs, more and more qualified candidates are applying to the same position.
The interview is essential now days. Going back to the other side of the desk, think of the mountains of resumes and cover letters they receive. Imagine sitting there all day and interviewing over and over and over and over again. As a potential employee, you're performance lasts thirty minutes to an hour (sometimes longer for major corporate jobs, one of mine was two days.) The interviewer has been doing it all day. Hearing the same B.S. answers to the same B.S. questions.
So how do you stand out? Everybody has a B.S. meter today, so how do you leave a lasting positive impression on the potential employer and get that job?
1. Know that you are going to be a GREAT fit for the new company.
Look, it's not enough anymore to think you'd fit the company, you have to know. First, READ the job description and know if you have the proper training to handle the job. Second, while dreams and ambition may be an awesome tool, put it aside for one minute and REALLY gut-check to see if this is somewhere you want to be. Third, do research about you, the company and the industry. You'll be grilled about all three. Expect it.
2. Be genuine, but be amazing
We live in a society that loves looking at people boast how awesome they are, but when it's time for us to do it, it is viewed an uncouth. This is your time to shine, but don't be an ass, be genuine. B.S. meters for interviewers is ALWAYS set on high. If you are comfortable with who you are and the research you've prepared and practiced, you're good. All interviews are the basic same song and dance. Your energy level must be high, but you must be relaxed. You need to find a way to be genuine in your delivery, tone, presence and of course your answers. Don't lie. Ever. Being something you are not in an interview is lying. Don't do it.
3. Be Flawless
Every single thing about you, from the time you walk out of your car, until the time you leave in your car, is being judged. Hard. Not only must you look amazingly professional, so must your resume, your cover letter, your hand shake, your teeth, everything. You are trying to promote the brand of You. It's fun, it's exciting, it's fresh, it's perfect for the job. It's you. Be you. Be flawless.
Seriously. Do it again. But don't over do it (be genuine, not rehearsed.) Don't ever interview for the sake of practice. If you need practice, role-play with a great friend or better yet a family member. Someone who knows you and can help you. Hire an interview coach (like me.) The time and money you may spend on practice will pay off.
I know from personal experience that the short time I spend with someone eases them. I can see a change in their demeanor from the beginning to the end. They loosen up and we both feel confident in their abilities. We find genuine answers to those questions that you will be asked. We run through the interview daily plan. We find ways to weave all questions to three main points that you want the interviewer to know about you. These are all extremely important as the interview approaches.
So regardless if you are interviewing for a retail job for the holiday season or are going after that dream job, be prepared. Know you are in the right place. Be flawless. Be genuine. Practice. Be energetic, but relax.
These simple steps will help you stand out from the masses. It's critical. If you are unprepared, they'll see it and you're toast.
If you are interested in receiving help from an interview coach, hit me up at brewmaster@rcompanies.com. It's genuine info. I don't sugar-coat it. No reason. We can set-up a time to talk and make your next interview pop!