Last night's meeting between some of the Young Professionals of Wichita and John D'Angelo, the Cultural Services Director for the City of Wichita peaked my interest and caused some great discussion. It seems that the City of Wichita is interested in opening discussion concerning an Entertainment District Area in this next legislative session. This discussion would include opening the barriers concerning liquor-laws on a state level in order to give drinkers the ability to move from bar to bar, bar to venue, or bar to restaurant with a beverage in hand.
Sweet idea. I'm for it. There's some good and bad however. Here's my take on it.
Idea: Make Old Town open-container friendly.
Will Old Town make a good Beale Street? Will Commerce Street mimic Bourbon Street? I personally hope not. Here's a con and pro.
1. Those places are fun, but nasty.
Let's face it. Old Town already has a Sunday morning trash problem. While I love the brick facade of the buildings, I'd hate to live down there due to the noise pollution and trash.
I've personally been to Beale Street during New Years and it's a great time. But, it's an incredibly unsafe and unsanitary good time. I'm not sure that's what we want to promote. These areas have the clout, the fame and the resources to clean it up. I'm not sure it's something we need to tackle to grow our city's reputation or tourism dollars.
2. They control the area.
When I enter any large entertainment district, I'm always carded and patted down. There is simply no possible way to control underage drinking in an area as large as Old Town. WPD would freak. Guaranteed.
Idea: Make the new WaterWalk Entertainment District open-container friendly
Here's a reality I would like to see. I can envision the new proposed entertainment district included in the WaterWalk development mimicking the awesome nightlife experiences similar to Kansas City Live, Fourth Street Live in Louisville, KY or Downtown Disney in Orlando. I've been to all three of these areas and had not only an amazing time, but considered them to be some of the cleanest, safest and welcoming places for residents and guests alike. The are controlled and they are clean. They are also only 21 and up after a certain time. I like that. I don't mind being carded. It's not a big deal.
Idea: Make provisions for specific areas during certain events
Here's where I think we begin. Riverfest, Old Town Square, Octoberfest, Cinco De Mayo, Farm & Art Market Concerts, all great places to practice this idea. They are smaller areas (with the exception of Riverfest, good luck,) that can be policed well and they can be cleaned up easily.
I feel this entertainment district shouldn't be a main focus for our city like Beale or Bourbon, but I do think it could engage younger folks, those wanting to have a good time and traveling guests to our city. Must we not forget that a true Entertainment District isn't just bars and clubs. We need more retail, performing arts, live music, restaurants and of course a sustainability during the workweek. It's also about personal responsibility. People are smart and responsible. Crowds and groups of peers, not so much. Different topic all together.
While this is merely my opinion, I feel that this is a necessary step to ensuring Wichita enhances its entertainment experiences. I love the POTENTIAL growth happening in the Downtown area. My only hope is that we follow-through on some of these ideas and implement an amazing entertainment district and ultimately a fun and engaging city for resident and guest alike.